Reminder - Ubuntu News Team Meeting - Thursday August 5th, 2010 - 2300UTC and various topics that are open for discussion

Amber Graner akgraner at
Tue Aug 3 19:48:18 BST 2010

Hi All!

REMINDER:  There is an Ubuntu News Team Meeting on THURSDAY, August
5th, 2010 @ 2300UTC in #ubuntu-news on freenode.  Some of the topics
to be discussed are listed below.  Thanks in advance for your
discussion, suggestions and participation!

Last week I blogged about wanting to get some more people who can take
responsibility for various sections of UWN -   If you are looking for a way to get
involved or know someone who wants to please forward the link to the
blog and point them to #ubuntu-news as well as this mailing list and
or my email.  - Thanks!!

I just wanted to let folks know about some of the requests I have been
receiving concerning the ways UWN is made available. Some of those
requests include:

1.  Include the Wiki Link at the top of the Plain Text Email
2. An HTML Format - that could include pictures, and other attachments etc
3. A pdf Version so that people can read the Newsletter offline

I will also be sending out with the Publication of Issue 205 and
invitation for people to sign up for a mailing list on Mail Chimp - I
am using that only because I am not finding anything else that is 1)
as affordable 2) as easy to set up  3) Has trackable matrix  this
services also allows for people to decide if that want 1) Plain Text
2) HTML 3) Mobile version of UWN.  I am open to suggestions, however,
the service will need meet the above mentioned needs. Should be decide
that this or another service is viable solution I will seek corporate
sponsors for the cost of the service.

Another thing that I have also received feedback on is the fact that
there are weeks UWN goes out on Monday or Tuesday my time which means
that it is Tuesday or Wednesday in some timezone.  The Ubuntu News
team is made up of a volunteer community staff and all those who work
on it take pride in their work and want to ensure a quality product is
published for the community.  The fact that we are all volunteers I am
trouble that other News Team Members are online working on UWN instead
of taking the weekend for family time, personal time, relaxing etc and
as such I would like to see if we can get into a routine of having
most of the summaries and information added by End-Of-Day on Friday's
as well as set a drop dead time where no content will be added after
that time.  Having said that I would also like to suggest that the
Newsletter be published by 1500 UTC on Monday's.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?  Thanks in advance!


Amber Graner//akgraner//

Just me Amber.

There are lots of Linux users who don't care how the kernel works, but
only want to use it. That is a tribute to how good Linux is.
Linus Torvalds

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