New LoCo Council Members

Leandro Gómez leo.telsen at
Thu Nov 19 22:44:21 GMT 2009

2009/11/19 Alan Pope <alan at>

> Hi,
> It's with great pleasure I'd like to announce the new members of the
> Ubuntu LoCo Council.
> * Laura Czajkowski -<>
> * Chris Crisafulli -<>
> * Christophe Sauthier -<>

Really great pick!
Congrats to them all!

> After a delay getting started the election process went very well. We
> originally intended to have two new members on the LoCo council to
> replace the two members who recently left. However after voting we had
> a draw but as they are all fantastic contributors to the project we
> thought it would be best to add all three of them to the team.
> From the Community Council's point of view it was great to have so
> many high quality nominees for the post to choose from. For the LoCo
> council I'm looking forward to working with these great new additions
> to the team.
> Regards,
> Alan Pope
> (for the CC).
> --
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