Results from the June 23rd Americas Membership Board Meeting

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Wed Jun 24 11:25:58 BST 2009

The approval results from last night's Americas Membership meeting are
as follows:

Christian Reis

Christian manages the Launchpad engineering team. In addition to his
core work with Launchpad itself, having been involved since January
2005 he has attended multiple UDS sessions and discussed features and
their execution plans. He has also worked directly with Ubuntu itself
both with QA, working with upstream and fixing some minor bugs.

Henrique P. Machado

Henrique is part of the team of translators/reviewers for pt_BR in
Ubuntu. He has working been with Ubuntu since 6.06, but contributing
since 8.04. A member of the Ubuntu Brasil team,  he also gives support
on the #ubuntu-br channel. He also contributes upstream to Gnome doing

Marc Deslauriers

Marc a member of the Ubuntu Security team, if you're running Ubuntu, a
third of the security updates from packages in main are from him. He
has also started doing some proactive security work and in addition to
his work in main he sponsors people who submit debdiffs for packages
in universe.

We're very happy to welcome these very deserving new members to the project!

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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