ATTN News Team: Results from January 7th Americas Membership Meeting

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at
Wed Jan 7 14:34:32 GMT 2009

The first Americas Council Membership Approval meeting for 2009 took place
this January 6th/7th where we accepted the following new members:
PrivateVoid (PrivateVoid)*


PrivateVoid is the Vice President of the New York LoCo team (elected
December 11th, 2008 for a two year term) and has done a tremendous job in
building a healthy and thriving LoCo Team via a high level of enthusiasm and
organizing local events. A number of individuals came out to show their
support for PrivateVoid and testified about not only his great LoCo Team
work but also great work being done on the forums with Beginners Team.

Outside of Ubuntu, PrivateVoid is a member of the K-12 Open Source
Community<>and is active in
promoting Linux and Ubuntu in Education.

Based on PrivateVoid's impressive LoCo Team, community work, and
contributions on the forums, we're pleased to accept PrivateVoid as a Ubuntu

*Shaun Dennie (vor)

LP: <>
*Shaun Dennie is a long time Unix hacker and has been using Ubuntu since
5.10. Dennie's experience is clearly represented by the number of tutorials
written on the Ubuntu Forums as well this contributor's participation in the
forum's Beginners Team and Forum Moderator Team.

Dennie reports really enjoying being a part of the community and would like
to take the next step to get even more involved as a developer.

Based on Dennie's documentation efforts, peer feedback, contributions on the
forums, and plans for the future, we're pleased to accept Shaun Dennie as a
Ubuntu Member.
Connor Imes (Rocket2DMn)*

LP: <>

Connor Imes has been using Ubuntu since Feisty and reports being actively
contributing since day 1.  Notable areas of contribution include the forums
(especially the Beginners Team and as Staff) and wiki documentation. Besides
his great work on the forums and impressive documentation efforts, Imes also
frequents the Launchpad bug tracker and Launchpad Answers tracker to help
triage bugs and answer questions.

The *Summer of Documentation* was an effort by a handful of Ubuntu Forums
Beginners Team members to help get the Community Docs up to date by working
with the Ubuntu Documentation Team, particularly the Wiki Team. The
Beginners Team Wiki Focus
communication between the teams. Imes was a key player in this

Based on great work on the forums, solid peer feedback, strong documentation
efforts, and work on launchpad, we're happy to accept Connor Imes as a new
Ubuntu Member.

*Eric Hammond (erichammond)* [1]

LP: <>

Eric Hammond applied for Ubuntu Membership based on his primary
contributions to Ubuntu of building, maintaining, documenting, promoting,
and supporting of public virtual machine images for running Ubuntu on Amazon
EC2. Hammond reported on his efforts to foster an Ubuntu on EC2 community
which is now around 700 registered members and growing and his work with the
Ubuntu server team in an advisory and testing capacity.

Hammond had very kind feedback keys members in the Server team such as Soren
Hansen and Rick Clark.

Based on his work in the community on Ubuntu on EC2 and feedback, we're
happy to receive Eric Hammond as a Ubuntu Member.

*Andres Mujica (andres-mujica)*


Andres Mujica's main contribution to Ubuntu is at Bug triaging as member of
the bugsquad and is currently working towards becoming a member of the
Ubuntu bugcontrol group.

Mujica previously applied for Ubuntu Membership on a previous occasion but
was asked to return at a later date as it was felt that he did not meet the
requirements for Ubuntu Membership at that time.

Based on more work as a bug triager and peer feedback, we accepted Andres
Mujica as a Ubuntu Member.

*David Mandala (DavidM)*

LP: <>

David Mandala introduced himself as generalist, and computer and electronics
geek who enjoys coding and evangelizing Ubuntu Mobile Linux. As the manager
of the Ubuntu Mobile team and project manager of the Ubuntu Mobile and MID
Projects, he has naturally made significant contributions to Ubuntu Mobile
and the Ubuntu Mobile community at large.

Based on his work on Ubuntu Mobile and outstanding peer feedback, we're
happy to accept David Mandala as a Ubuntu Member.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Systems Release Engineer
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Cell: 506-449-5899
Email: cody.somerville at
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