Results from the December 7th, 2009 Americas Membership Board Meeting
Elizabeth Krumbach
lyz at
Tue Dec 8 03:47:33 GMT 2009
The following 10 contributors were accepted as Ubuntu Members at the
Americas Membership Board Meeting this evening:
Arturo Hernandez
Arturo is an active member of the Ubuntu Mexico team. In his role with
the team he is a member and administrator, helps coordinate events and
encourages others to use Ubuntu and is now a supervisor on the Ubuntu
México Podcast.
Jeremy Pallats
Jeremy is an Ubuntu contributor from Quebec, Canada. A majority of his
contributions come from Ubuntu Forums and Ubuntu Beginners team, where
he does IRC support and is the leader of the Wiki Focus Group which
seeks to improve wiki documentation.
Chris Johnston
Chris resides in Florida, USA and started out writing about Ubuntu for
his blog about a year ago. He is a member of the Florida LoCo Team,
currently being mentored for contributions to the Bug Squad and
Beginners Team and is a member of the Ubuntu Community Learning
Project where he is currently helping to plan upcoming Ubuntu User
John Pugh
John is a long time Linux user and an active Florida, USA LoCo team
member who founded the Tampa Linux Meetup group. He has presented on
Cloud Computing at multiple Linux events and is currently assisting in
the porting of the Amahi Project to Ubuntu.
Diego Armando Forigua
Diego is an electrical engineer in Columbia where he is part of the
Ubuntu Colombia Council working to spread Ubuntu throughout Colombia
and Latin America. In addition to the council, he is an active member
on the Colombian mailing list and in IRC and seeks to get further
involved in Spanish translations.
Robbie Williamson
Robbie works as the manager of the Ubuntu Foundations and Security
Teams within Canonical. He also assists in planning Ubuntu release
features, the release schedule, triaging bugs (and even fixing them
when time/skill permits!). In his little to no spare time he is active
in the community and works on the cups-bjnp.
Rick Spencer
Rick has been using Ubuntu since Warty and has been the Engineering
Manager for the desktop team since Jaunty. In addition to his core
desktop work, he started the bughugger project (used to be bug-zapper)
to create a desktop way to search for and sort bug tasks and started
the now very popular Quickly project to help make it easy and fun to
develop for Ubuntu.
Carlos Andrés Zambrano Barrera
Carlos is a contributor from Bogotá, Colombia who is active in the
Columbian LoCo team, offering support in #ubuntu-co #ubuntu-uy and
#ubuntu-es. He has participated in many translations in launchpad and
in guides, also support in answers in Spanish and English. He is
currenty am participating in a project called zoociedad for a free
wireless network to help the community, an Ubuntu server is being used
to offer these services.
Michelle Hall
Michelle is an active member of the Florida LoCo team who helps with
event coordination and has spoken at several conferences, including
the Southern California Linux Expo 7x, Florida Linux Shows, the
Atlanta Linux Fest, and the Southeast Linux Fest. She currently
contributes to a small, locally run charity founded with her husband
that recycles computers and gives them to children who have special
needs, or are at risk, and ship these computers with their own
Ubuntu-based distribution, Qimo 4 Kids.
Johnathon Mlady
Johnathon has been a full-time ubuntu since 8.04. He's an active part
of the Beginner's Team, offering guidance and support as he can, and
is involved with the Development focus group of the Beginner's Team'
He is also a member of the Ohio LoCo/NE Ohio ReLoCo, where he recently
participated in a team BugJam and is currently in the process of
setting up the 10.04 global bug jam event with the NEOhio Reloco at
his alma mater, exposing the ACM club and those on the west side of
Cleveland to Ubuntu.
Following this exciting and productive meeting, the Americas Board
sends congratulations and a big welcome to these new members!
Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
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