Results from the April 14th Americas Membership Board Meeting

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Wed Apr 15 13:44:58 BST 2009

The approval results from last night's Americas Membership meeting are
as follows:


Craig is active on Launchpad Answers, has helped with the US Teams
project revitalization and is currently the head of the US South
Carolina LoCo team, which they're working to get Approved this year.
Current projects US-SC is working on include work with a local college
to get a computer lab converted to Ubuntu.

Michael Terry

Michael is a Canonical employee working on OEM customization projects
(like Dell Mini), with a focus on install experience (ubiquity,
oem-config), and GNOME. He's also been working on PPAs for
backported/bleeding-edge duplicity and deja-dup packages. Moving
forward he also intends to get involved with MOTU.

Tim Sharitt

Tim is an active contributor on, including being
recently approved for the Unanswered Posts team, and in the past 6
months has begun getting involved with bug work. He is also a member
of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team and is working on their Education
Focus Group and is planning on helping with the development of Moodle
courses for folks new to Ubuntu.

Dan Trevino

Dan has been an Ubuntu user since Warty and has been a major
contributor to the US Florida LoCo team since 2007. He's been involved
with organizing and has attended and participated in many LoCo events,
has worked with Canonical on the Ubuntu Certified Professional
training and Ubuntu Server training courses and is a Mentor on the US
Teams project.

Alex Launi

Alex has been an active member of the US Pennsylvania LoCo team since
2007 and is a developer for GNOME Do. Within the core Ubuntu community
his contributions have been primarily to the LoCo as one of the
mailing list admins and a launchpad admin, as well as contributing to
development of the website and attending and participating in many
events. He is also active on the forums giving support and does bug
reporting and was recently involved with some testing with the Intel
video drivers in Jaunty.

David Siegel

David is the founder of the GNOME Do project, having gone from a part
time user just a few years ago to fully-engaged use and development a
year and a half ago with the founding of this project. He is currently
working for Canonical in their User Experience team where he plans to
work further with the community to improve the user experience through
projects like GNOME Do and Ayatana.

We're very happy to welcome these great new members to the project!

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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