[ubuntu-mythtv] Program Guide Not Populating

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Mon Oct 7 23:46:31 UTC 2013

On 10/07/2013 03:43 PM, Hoolio Wobbits wrote:
> Hi mate, I'm not proposing to understand your problem, nor how myth 
> really works these days.  but i'm running 0,25 and use shepherd 
> (http://svn.whuffy.com/) for guide data. you might have more luck with 
> that; it's been running at my place for years, so much so i may have 
> forgotten how i set it up ;)

I don't think the source of the guide data is the problem since I had a 
successful population a couple of weeks ago, and I still get good guide 
data in my ReplayTV, for which I've been using Schedules Direct for a 
couple of years.

I'm guessing -- and it really is a guess -- that something I did when I 
started MythTV back up interrupted the process of getting the guide 
data, and it's stuck there.

I see two options. I assume there must be some way to clean up a messed 
up database -- if that's where the issue lies -- and I could invoke 
something to wipe away the bad data and start fresh with clean data.

The other way is the brute force method of reinstalling Mythbuntu from 
scratch. That way seems wrong in a Unix environment, but I could do it 
and chalk up the problem to experience.

Thanks for your response.


Dick Steffens

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