[ubuntu-mythtv] Hi all. Audio issue here

Stephen P. Villano stephen.p.villano at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 06:14:32 UTC 2013

I installed without event, save the usual hiccups. Myth worked flawlessly.
I even installed zoneminder, as I have cameras about to watch my aged
father in his dementia.

After some updates I cannot recall on Thursday/Friday (wee hours time)
and some unrecalled changes, I now have zero audio.
Everything else works flawlessly.
But, I've been unable to ascertain *why* I lost audio.

I did manage to go through a basic Ubuntu X session and choose "play
sound through LFE on separate mono output" and regain some output, but
volume is uncontrollable.
As it's been a handful of years since I've worked with Linux and even
then, audio wasn't an issue, it's a huge issue at present.

First, I have zero clue what the LFE on *whatever* is. Volume control is
absent in it, though audio is restored.
Second, I'm clueless in Pulse. It's been *that* long.
When I view the audio driver under the pulse mixer program, I do see
indications of audio when I inject audio into the system, but I lose
sense of connection in pulse to alsa.
I suspect that alsa works, but there is a disconnect between alsa and
pulse, but I may be misguided.

ROOBY! Rellllp!

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