[ubuntu-mythtv] fixes updates and bad habits

Mario Limonciello superm1 at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 28 19:31:02 GMT 2010

Hi Chuck

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 21:16, Chuck Peters <cp at ccil.org> wrote:

> I think it has been more than a week since the .24 fixes have been
> updated.  Is something wrong with the autobuild process?
> Nope, upstream just hasn't been pushing changes to 0.24-fixes.

You can check upstream commits at:
As you can see, the last commit was on the 20th.

If there was a source package build error it would show here:

If there was a binary package build error it would show here:

> I noticed something odd. A slave backend which does nothing more than
> commercial flagging showed up in the mythweb status as having recordings.
> But it appears to have old backup copies of the db.
> /var/lib/mythtv/recordings:
> total 39392
> -rw-r--r-- 1 myth mythtv 13429394 2010-12-08 16:42
> mythconverg-1264-20101208164228.sql.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 myth mythtv 13458426 2010-12-08 17:01
> mythconverg-1264-20101208170102.sql.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 myth mythtv 13384230 2010-12-08 18:21
> mythconverg-1264-20101208182050.sql.gz
> The times of the above files are right around when I upgraded from .22 to
> .23.1 and .24.  The db isn't even on that machine so how did those get
> there?
> I think the backend backed them up when it updated the schema most likely.

> So I decide I'll just shut off the slave backend and look at it more
> later...  So I stop the service and add "exit 0" near the top of
> /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend.  Yes it is a bad habit to edit start up scripts
> that way, but it worked for me, at least until now...  exit 0 should stop it
> from starting...  But no it starts right up.
> # service mythtv-backend start
> mythtv-backend start/running, process 16661
> It shouldn't do that.  What the ???
> Don't modify anything in /etc/init.d/.  That's a symlink to the upstart job
compatibility script.  If you want to disable an upstart service, rename the
conffile in /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf to
/etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf.disabled or so.

> Thanks,
> Chuck
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Mario Limonciello
superm1 at gmail.com
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