[ubuntu-mythtv] MythTV 0.21 on Ubuntu Edgy (6.10)

Ross rwillman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 00:53:46 BST 2008

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 6:27 AM, Duey <dueydotnet at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Just wondering if Myth .21 is going to be (or planning on being)
>  backported to Edgy?  I have 0.20 on my system and appreciated having the
>  Schedulesdirect update backported, once that was released I updated
>  easily.  There's a few features of 0.21 that I want and I'd like to do
>  the same kind of update again.

I don't know about a backport, but I would like to mention that Edgy
is almost end of life (2 weeks away), so I wouldn't hold my breath if
I was you.


>   From what I've read so far, many people are saying that people like me
>  should just upgrade Ubuntu to 7.whatever.  I've tried that and, thank
>  god for good backups because it didn't work.  I'd probably be better off
>  just starting fresh, but that would be a pain.

I had a few upgrade issues too, but found I wasn't the only one with
those problems and help was pretty easy to find. Either way, upgrading
or a fresh install sound like a good idea to me.



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