[ubuntu-my] CFP (Call For Proposals) - Ubuntu Conference Asia 2022

Robbi Nespu robbinespu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 09:39:35 UTC 2022

UbuCon Asia 2022 (Ubuntu Conference Asia 2022) - Call For Proposals

Hello and greeting from UbuCon Asia teams! Please excuse us for any 
cross-posting 😊

UbuCon Asia is an event organized by Ubuntu Communities in Asia. It’s 
for everyone who involved with or interested in Ubuntu, Linux and other 
Free and Open source technologies. It is also a place for Ubuntu people 
from Asia to connect, learn, and share their knowlegdes each other.

UbuCon Asia 2022 will be the first In-person UbuCon Asia event and this 
year it will be hold at Nuritkum Square (Nuri Dream Square) in Seoul, 
South Korea.

Call for Proposal
The Ubuntu Conference Asia 2022 aka UbuCon Asia 2022 is the technical 
and social forum platform that allows various groups within asia a 
chance to come together, connect, and share their work related to Ubuntu.

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals for 
contributions to this year’s Ubuntu Asia conference!

UbuCon Asia 2022 will be held at Nuritkum Square, Seoul, South Korea and 
will be broadcast live on the Internet where possible. Videos of the 
talks will be published on the web along with the presentation slides 
and papers.

The proposal will lets us know in advance what sort of talks we will 
have. This helps us in attracting affiliates, developers and potential 
sponsors to the conference. Your proposal should also include some 
information on why you’re qualified to talk about this.

Please review all details or submit your talks in this page 

Travel sponsorship
For confirmed Talk or Workshop speakers who come from foreign country or 
non capital area of Korea, We plan to provide travel sponsorship.
Please read and check 

If you want to submit your proposal, But you might be not sure wheather 
your topics is proper choice for this conference. You may already wrote 
your proposal but you might want to know wheather your proposal contains 
sufficient information.

Please feel free to reach out us by chat or email to ask for help and 

- Email: content at ubucon.asia
- IRC: #ubucon-asia at libera.chat
- Matrix : https://matrix.to/#/#ubucon-asia:libera.chat
- Telegram: https://t.me/UbuConAsia

UbuCon Asia team will be their to help potential speakers to prepare and 
submit proposal. Just note that team might not be available instantly, 
because they might living in quite different timezone from you.

Event sponsorship
We also plan to open call for sponsors soon. If you’re interested and 
wanna get notified when call for sponsors open, You may contact 
sponsorship at ubucon.asia

Contact Information
For further information, please visit the UbuCon Asia web pages at 
https://2022.ubucon.asia or send mail to <contact at ubucon.asia>
Robbi Nespu

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