[ubuntu-my] April 2011 Events

Mohamad Imran imtym.aku at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 14:54:29 UTC 2012

2012/1/26 susah sebut <susahsebut at gmail.com>

> MakLan - 1 - Ipoh/lumut Oneiric release party

 Here's the photo link for that day:

A bit info:

   1. Met at KFC Sitiawan at 15/10/2011 about 2++pm
   2. Approximate 4 person join the party (me, Fazil Amin, Amri Ahmad a.k.a
   Wise.QNet, & another 1 - missed to take photo because already on ride)
   3. Sharing thoughts and knowledge regarding Ubuntu and FLOSS (only me
   wear Oneiric shirt because others late received parcel)
   4. Dissolve 1 hour and half later.

2 - details about prepare & process questionaire for the survey regarding
> ubuntu.

Will post ASAP. Already wrote draft an email but not yet send.

Aku Tetap Aku™

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