[ubuntu-my] Fwd: Re: LoCo Council Oneiric Review
MFauzilkamil Zainuddin
apogee at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 2 02:11:03 UTC 2011
Kepada sesiapa yang ada masa, tolong sync laporan LoCo Team kita kat
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports dengan
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/Activities dan juga
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/ApprovalApplication/2011 (bahagian
Experiences/Efforts tu)
Jika tak tahu camne nak buat, boleh tanya straight kat sini. Aku akan cuba
bagi guide.
Quick Tutorial:
Aku dah code kat main TeamReports tu supaya semua report bulanan dan
tahunan akan masuk secara automatik bila korang tambah/edit page report
Contoh #1: Nak tambah satu event pada bulan oktober.
1. Buka page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports/11/Octoberdan
Login dengan akaun Launchpad ko
* nota: 11 ialah merujuk kepada tahun 2011 dan October adalah bulan event
yang dilaporkan itu berlaku
2. klik edit dan tambah tarikh, satu baris ayat, serta link kepada laporan
penuh event tersebut. Ayat tersebut biarlah straight forward dalam bentuk
bullet point. juga boleh tambah sub bullet jika perlu.
3. preview, dan semak perubahan yang dilakukan, letak nota pendek perubahan
yang dilakukan.
4. jika semua sudah OK, klik save.
Contoh #2: Nak tambah event pada bulan yang takde lagi (misalnya bulan May
1. Taip kat web browser
2. Page baru akan keluar, dia tulis '*This page does not exist yet. You can
create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.*'
3. klik kat 'Create new empty page'
4. tambah event macam Contoh #1, ikut langkah 3 dlm Contoh #1 sampai habis.
Contoh #3: Nak tambah event tahun 2009 (misalnya bulan Mac 2009)
1. Taip kat web browser
* nota: 09 adalah dua digit untuk tahun 2009
2. ikut langkah 2 dlm Contoh #2 sampai habis
Setelah mengikut kaedah yang aku tunjukkan ni dengan betul, page tu akan
automatik masuk kat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports dan
ia juga akan masuk secara automatik dalam wiki page loco team reports
seluruh dunia.
Ini adalah format baru untuk laporan LoCo Team. Page report kita yang baru
ni masih dalam perhatian pihak LoCo Council untuk proses re-approval,
diharap ada diantara ahli team yang dapat membantu. Aku sangat sibuk pada
ketika ini. Bimbang tak sempat siap.
Terima kasih atas bantuan.
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 6:56 AM, najmi.zabidi at gmail.com <
najmi.zabidi at gmail.com> wrote:
> alhamdulillah, great job every one
> On Nov 2, 2011 4:22 AM, "Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman" <fenris at ubuntu.com>
> wrote:
>> FYi,
>> Ubuntu-my is on process of re-approval. Do please give us as much support
>> as you can to make our LoCo team keep ALIVE !
>> Regards,
>> Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
>> fenris a.k.a ejathttp://launchpad.net/~fenris
>> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: LoCo Council Oneiric
>> Review Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 11:04:15 -0400 From: Paul Tagliamonte
>> <paultag at ubuntu.com> <paultag at ubuntu.com> Reply-To: Ubuntu local
>> community team (LoCo) contacts <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com><loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com> To:
>> Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts
>> <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com> <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 10:59 AM, <laura at lczajkowski.com> <laura at lczajkowski.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > During the Oneiric cycle the Ubuntu LoCo Council reviewed many teams and
>> > dealt with team issues, this post is to explain what the council has done
>> > during this cycle and to let people know how they can approach us if needs
>> > be.
>> > Firstly we had a large re approval of teams this cycle this was down to the
>> > re approval process that was introduced three cycles ago and has proved to
>> > help teams keep up to date and let everyone know how things are progressing.
>> > So for the Natty cycle we looked at the following 26 LoCo Teams which were
>> > up for re approval having been approved for 2 or more years:
>> > The following teams were selected for the Oneiric cycle for re approval:
>> > Thai Loco Team
>> > Ubuntu Venezuela Team
>> > Ubuntu DK
>> > Ubuntu UK
>> > Ubuntu Team Philippines
>> > Pennsylvania – US LoCo Team
>> > Ubuntu-Michigan
>> > Ubuntu Maryland LoCo Team
>> > Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team
>> > Ubuntu Japanese Team
>> > Ubuntu Ireland
>> > Ubuntu El Salvador Team
>> > Ubuntu Swiss Team
>> > Ubuntu Portugal
>> Team,
>> Kepada sesiapa yang ada masa, tolong sync laporan LoCo Team kita kat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports dengan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/Activities dan juga https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/ApprovalApplication/2011 (bahagian Experiences/Efforts tu)
>> Jika tak tahu camne nak buat, boleh tanya straight kat sini. Aku akan cuba bagi guide.
>> Quick Tutorial:
>> Aku
>> dah code kat main TeamReports tu supaya semua report bulanan dan
>> tahunan akan masuk secara automatik bila korang tambah/edit page report
>> bulanan
>> Contoh #1: Nak tambah satu event pada bulan oktober.
>> 1. Buka page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports/11/October dan Login dengan akaun Launchpad ko
>> * nota: 11 ialah merujuk kepada tahun 2011 dan October adalah bulan event yang dilaporkan itu berlaku
>> 2.
>> klik edit dan tambah tarikh, satu baris ayat, serta link kepada laporan
>> penuh event tersebut. Ayat tersebut biarlah straight forward dalam
>> bentuk bullet point. juga boleh tambah sub bullet jika perlu.
>> 3. preview, dan semak perubahan yang dilakukan, letak nota pendek perubahan yang dilakukan.
>> 4. jika semua sudah OK, klik save.
>> Contoh #2: Nak tambah event pada bulan yang takde lagi (misalnya bulan May 2011)
>> 1. Taip kat web browser https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports/11/May
>> 2. Page baru akan keluar, dia tulis '*This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.*'
>> 3. klik kat 'Create new empty page'
>> 4. tambah event macam Contoh #1, ikut langkah 3 dlm Contoh #1 sampai habis.
>> Contoh #3: Nak tambah event tahun 2009 (misalnya bulan Mac 2009)
>> 1. Taip kat web browser https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports/09/March
>> * nota: 09 adalah dua digit untuk tahun 2009
>> 2. ikut langkah 2 dlm Contoh #2 sampai habis
>> Setelah mengikut kaedah yang aku tunjukkan ni dengan betul, page tu akan automatik masuk kat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/TeamReports dan ia juga akan masuk secara automatik dalam wiki page loco team reports seluruh dunia.
>> Ini adalah format baru untuk laporan LoCo Team. Page report kita
>> yang baru ni masih dalam perhatian pihak LoCo Council untuk proses
>> re-approval, diharap ada diantara ahli team yang dapat membantu. Aku
>> sangat sibuk pada ketika ini. Bimbang tak sempat siap.
>> Terima kasih atas bantuan.> Ubuntu Polish LoCo Team
>> > Ubuntu Perú
>> > Ubuntu Norge
>> > Ubuntu Croatian Advocates
>> > Thai Loco Team
>> > Ubuntu Tamil Team
>> > Ubuntu Israel
>> > Arizona LoCo Team
>> > Ubuntu New York State
>> > Ubuntu California
>> > Georgia LoCo
>> > Ubuntu Brazilian Users
>> > Argentina LoCo
>> > Ubuntu China LoCo Team
>> >
>> > To simplify things we create a bug in launchpad for each team that is due
>> > for renewal. The text from this wiki page
>> > http://loco.ubuntu.com/loco-council/approved s sent to their team contact
>> > and we use the bug to keep track of progress throughout the cycle. We ensure
>> > all communication is posted to the bug report, and send reminders & comments
>> > via the bug. Finally we vote on the approval and then make the bug public
>> > after the process is finished.
>> > This process has worked out very well for teams who are not able to take
>> > part in the IRC meeting but do want a more interactive review. We also still
>> > have a monthly IRC meetings which gives teams the flexibility to talk to us
>> > directly or use the bug tracker to manage the approval process. We have
>> > found this makes our team more accessible to LoCos around the world.
>> >
>> > There was some initial reluctance to use the bug tracker to manage
>> > approvals, but it was quickly accepted once we explained it's needed for us
>> > as a council to be productive to keep things on track and not let the ball
>> > drop on our action items. A by-product of this is it's a great way for teams
>> > to communicate with the council and document information when needed in the
>> > bugs.
>> > We keep the bugs private initially so they don't end up being spammed with
>> > inappropriate comments and we use them to remind one another to vote or
>> > attend to items. They have worked well now in the last cycle and we will
>> > continue to use them again in the future as we do feel they have served the
>> > council well and helped up keep up to date with teams.
>> > 8 Expired ( 30% Total )
>> ^^^^^^^^^ This number is far too high. Please
>> get your re-apps in!
>> > 18 Processed ( 69% Total )
>> > Unapproved: 2 ( 11% Processed )
>> > Approved: 16 ( 88% Processed )
>> > Total Unapproved: 10 ( 38% Total )
>> > Total Approved: 16 ( 61% Total )
>> > 26 LoCo Teams were processed
>> > During this cycle we were called (by IRC or email) upon by some loco team
>> > members to help in mediation or give advice to them to help their team. We
>> > often invite them into our IRC channel which while it is private as we can
>> > be dealing with people from teams in there at a given time is open to anyone
>> > who wants to talk to us all you have to do is ask to join to discuss
>> > something. We had to make it private as we had people popping in during
>> > sensitive discussions and having this channel has helped us help teams. It
>> > is also where many of us idle or log sessions so we can review the
>> > conversation and give advice.
>> > We can invite multiple people in here and help resolve issues or bounce
>> > ideas and solutions off one another in a real time environment. We follow
>> > this up by joining their IRC Channels in some cases, in order to be there
>> > for them whenever needed idling so they can ask questions but also so we
>> > could see for ourselves how things flow as every team is so different.
>> > We get weekly if not fortnightly requests for help with changing of
>> > ownership of a team mailing list, ownership, website and domain issues and
>> > lot regarding RT tickets, here we help where possible, logging the issues
>> > for teams on launchpad, or asking for IS help in resolving the issues.
>> > We've also worked closely with the LoCo Directory Dev team and helped
>> > reporting bugs to make the Loco Directory more user friendly. We idle on
>> > IRC in #ubuntu-locoteams and we even had our own factoid created if people
>> > used it it pings the team but also tell the user how to contact us.
>> > !lococouncil lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski,
>> > paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can
>> > send them an email at loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > I am sure the Precise cycle will be just as interesting for the council
>> > working with loco teams and look forward to hearing from the ubuntu
>> > community.
>> >
>> > Laura Czajkowski on behalf of the Ubuntu LoCo Council
>> > --
>> > loco-contacts mailing list
>> > loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
>> >
>> >
>> -Paul
>> --
>> All programmers are playwrights, and all computers are lousy actors.
>> #define sizeof(x) rand()
>> :wq
>> --
>> loco-contacts mailing listloco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.comhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
>> --
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Best Wishes,
M. Fauzilkamil Zainuddin (ApOgEE)
https://edge.launchpad.net/~apogee - ApOgEE on Launchpad
http://coderstalk.blogspot.com - Coder's Talk
http://artofapogee.blogspot.com - Art Of ApOgEE
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