[ubuntu-my] Malaysia GNOME3 Launching Party

Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 06:28:25 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Gnome is part of Ubuntu. This launching will be with OpenSUSE Malaysia.

-------------- Details

Malaysia OpenSUSE 11.4 & GNOME3 Launching Party Facebook Event Page


Time : Saturday, April 9 · 8:30pm - 11:30pm
Location : McDonald's Ampang Park, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Registration Form


> Please register, only register people will get access to this party. "No
> Register No Party". The people that already register but dont show up will
> get banned in our list. We not have specified how many people can come but
> we wil close the registration if necesscary. 1st come 1st serve
> Click here to register : http://bit.ly/hy7loJ

----- Forwarded Email

Dear all,

On behalf openSUSE Malaysia, GNOME Malaysia and OSDCMY. I would like
announce and invite to all of you to come to the Launching Party.
After a long discussion & to many thread email that need to reply we
need some party to make our life cheer again. If not big party but
enough to make people happy and satisfied. We have 2 competition that
make you interest to join

1) openSUSE competition
3) GNOME competition

Just bring you laptop/netbook and show to us and the participant what
you have. The winner will be vote by the participant. The winner will
get special gift from openSUSE, GNOME & OSDCMY.

Please register, only register people will get access to this party.
"No Register No Party". The people that already register but dont show
up will get banned in our list. We not have specified how many people
can come but we wil close the registration if necesscary. 1st come 1st

Click here to register : http://bit.ly/hy7loJ

You can check our member at Facebook : openSUSE Malaysia & GNOME
Malaysia (Please click like if you like) :)


Mohd Fazli Azran



GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your GNU/Linux or UNIX
computer. http://www.gnome.org/

GNOME Malaysia FB http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gnome-Malaysia/206937212652053

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