[ubuntu-my] First Malaysian OS?

zarul shahrin zarulshahrin at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 08:52:16 UTC 2011

I have located their User Manual:


Since people were saying they followed and understand GPL well. I wonder if
this is permitted:

"A. FiMOS is made up of individual software components that were created by
 individuals and entities (͞Software Programmes͟). You may install FiMOS on
home computers of his or hers for non-commercial use and one commercial use
When FiMOS is used with virtualization or emulation technology, each virtual
or emulated
environment shall be considered a computer effectively limiting an end user
to one
instance of the software running on a single physical computer for
commercial use."


Does GPL allowed them to enforce this limitation?

" limiting an end user to one instance of the software running on a single
physical computer for commercial use."

Best Regards,

Zarul Shahrin
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