[ubuntu-my] First Malaysian OS?

Abdullah Zainul Abidin abdullah.zainul at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 02:08:40 UTC 2011

Actually you can sell the product. The gpl does not stop you from doing it.
But it does stop you from stopping others from distributing it. so you might
sell your software but you can't do anything if the first thing your
customer do is let people download it for free. That's the freedom that they
have. Gpl is free as in freedom, not price.

Thanks & regards,
Abdullah Zainul Abidin
On Mar 10, 2011 9:43 AM, "Shaiffulnizam Mohamad" <shaifful.md at gmail.com>
> Free Open Source software should be redistribute using their original
> license. No matter what you understand about the licensing model. What can
> you sell is just the support for the products and not the software.
> if I am one of the license owner of one bit of a code and then I want to
> the seller, I can still sue them. Because it was already stated that my
> piece of code should be redistributed in the same model as I have
> Look closely into many of the commercialize Linux, most of them sell the
> support. Not the products.
> My 2 cents
> 2011/3/10 Mohammad Hafiz mypapit (9W2WTF) <mypapit at gmail.com>
>> IMHO, it is not a "scam"... but rather is a case of bad marketing
>> or a bad understanding of FLOSS license. We shouldn't go around and
>> people of scam when it is not obvious that they are doing so (prove,
>> evidence of scam?).
>> At most they are misunderstanding FLOSS License (GNU GPL, BSD license or
>> whatever license in the package)
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:23 PM, zarul shahrin <zarulshahrin at ubuntu.com
>>> Is this for real??????????????
>>> http://www.fimos.my/
>>> This is the biggest scam ever. Anyone has more info on this? I don't
>>> how they are marketing it and surely not gonna keep quiet and let people
>>> scammed.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Zarul Shahrin
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