[ubuntu-my] Fwd: Australian LoCo Re-Approval Application

Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman fenris at ubuntu.com.my
Wed May 12 16:52:21 BST 2010

Hi and Hello to all Malaysia Ubunturian,

First of all i would like to thanks to u guys for your support. Without your support i would not be nominate to be part of the Asia and Oceania Membership Board, thanks again. Here i forward to u guys something that we should take its as a lesson learn for us(Ubuntu-my) to move forward in the future.

Our time might come soon or later for the re-approval loco team, we need to maintain active with some activities just like we do it in the past. I think we should have our small meet up / lepaking back. I saw in the our facebook group page there is someone posting about muazam group ... sounds c00l ... i think we should need have activities at each state then update to jipangmenjerit a.k.a syazwan as our LoCo Team's Secretary to update the activities at our wiki.

Not only syazwan, i think we need to move as a group including the translation & documentation team, web team n yada-yada .... i do know that everyone has your own responsibility but then ... i do hope / plz that u guys also think about what we had currently (is not easy to be approved locoteam) ... we need to maintain it as much as we can ..... 1Malaysia Boleh right? 

I welcome to all Ubuntu-my members to get participate in what u guys like such as ... forum moderator , web team, translator and etc ... me and norly a.k.a yana have some plan to make Ubuntu-my move forward but we do need your support towards our plan.

As we all know that we will have Lucid Release Party on this 22nd May, so who ever think you guys have a time ... so lend some hand to norly to make our LRP BOOOM !!! i think its enough for now .. we are welcome your valuable idea/opinion/suggestion to make our LoCo Team better  


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ubuntu LoCo Council <loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: May 12, 2010 8:50:12 PM GMT+08:00
> To: melissa at ubuntu.com
> Cc: loco-council <loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com>, ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Australian LoCo Re-Approval Application
> Hello Australian LoCo Team!
> I'm writing on behalf of the LoCo Council with regards to the
> Australian Team Re-Approval process.
> First let me apologise for the length of time this process has taken.
> We've not been doing this long, and hope to streamline the process in
> the future.
> The Australian LoCo team has a long history of great contributions to
> the Ubuntu project. It's great to see a bunch of keen, energised
> participating members of the Ubuntu community.
> However, it is with a heavy heart that we must reject the Re-Approval
> of the Australian Local Community Team at this time.
> The reasons for this decision are:-
>  * The number of active members of the team have been waning,
> possibly due to a lack of direction. Members of the community want to
> contribute but feel they can't. We've had multiple team members mail
> us privately regarding the situation in the Australian LoCo. They felt
> strongly enough that they needed to share their feelings about the
> current state of the team. The common theme seems to be that they are
> not happy with the way the LoCo is being run. Most of them have noted
> the inactivity of LoCo. This is often a sign of a lack of strong
> leadership within the team.
>  * There is a sub group of Ubuntu enthusiasts who feel they cannot
> work with the Approved LoCo and have setup a separate team of their
> own. They might not call themselves a "LoCo" but they do the same job
> in the same area. It is a shame to see this, and we would really like
> to sit down with both teams and work this out.
> Things you can do which can improve the team include:-
> * Nominate team leadership (be it individual or group) to drive the
> team in a defined direction. Setting goals for the team and developing
> a roadmap can also help here.
>  * Consider revising your IRC channel structure to make it easier for
> people to find support, local resources and chat. The current setup
> appears to have stopped a lot of the community chatter in the main
> channel that helps to keep a team active.
>  * Holding regular meetings (on IRC) to help get discussion going,
> presently the wiki shows that you're holding regular meetings, which
> is currently. The wiki appears to be out of date. An overhaul of the
> current wiki is something to consider as well.
>  * Perhaps members could rotate roles within the team, this could
> help prevent burnout and also help the team, by allowing people to
> participate in ways that will help them feel they belong, and can
> contribute.
> This is not a reflection on peoples roles at present, however many of
> the comments we received felt they were being rejected due to not
> having as much experience as others. We felt that they were still
> enthusiastic about contributing and wanted to step forward. Keep in
> mind LoCo activity is not tied to Ubuntu development efforts, people
> who do not know how to use the command line interface sometimes turn
> out to be the most effective LoCo members. Remember, most LoCo
> activity relates to the average user.
> Your team needs to encourage new members to actively participate. The
> creation of a mentoring program within your team to learn about these
> roles might also be a good idea in order to encourage people to
> participate more.
> We would be delighted to re-approve the Australian LoCo Team once more
> in the future once these issues are sorted out, and the team is
> revitalised.
> We look forward to the progress that we know will occur.
> Please do contact us with any questions or concerns,
> LoCo Council
> -- 
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au

Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
fenris at ubuntu.com

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