[ubuntu-my] Fwd: blog/planet scrapers

Katie Kitty admin at flamehaze.info
Sun Mar 7 13:39:59 GMT 2010

ko guna feedwordpress ke?
kalau guna feedwordpress, enable je blogroll and block google dgn robot.txt

macam tu org yg complain tu akan diam.
kan ni opensource punye info, as long as ade link back, dia tu akan diam.

opensource knowledge belongs to the world, not by the author himself only.

My Email: admin at flamehaze.info

Kwebserv Free Web Hosting --> http://kwebserv.info & http://kwebserv.com

My Launchpad Profile --> https://edge.launchpad.net/~katiekitty
My Blog --> http://katiekitty.co.tv
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