[ubuntu-my] Fwd: URGENT : Offer Community Package RM100

Fenris fenris at ubuntu.com.my
Fri Jun 25 16:20:36 BST 2010

Dear Ubunturian,

MOSC is offering discount 50% for package developer only for community people. Do register with me at fenris at ubuntu.com and cc to norly.chan at gmail.com. This special offer only valid till 27th June only!! So hurry up, register urself to enjoy privileged as community member!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mohd Fazli Azran <mfazliazran at gmail.com>
> Date: June 25, 2010 8:34:37 PM GMT+08:00
> To: Secretariat MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference <secretariat at oss.my>
> Subject: URGENT : Offer Community Package RM100

> Dear Leaders, 
> We have more special discount for Community members only. For community only RM100. We offer only for community members with TAG  "OSDC". Without this tag we cant proceed your registration. We need all leaders collect the money by your self and give to us. I attach the form that community members to fill up put tag "OSDC". So we know this form from community members. Hurry up this special offer will valid until this Sunday. We see you all at this Monday for brief meeting and get your tag for community members. It up to you guy to make your community explode!!!!! 
> Regards, 
> Mohd Fazli Azran
> MSC MOSC 2010 Secretariat.
> Web   :  http://conf.oss.my
> Email   :  fazli at oss.my
> Mobile  :   +
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