[ubuntu-my] Apogee involved in accident?
Umarzuki Mochlis
umarzuki at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 07:55:38 BST 2009
Perhaps you're dating his ah moi?
Just kidding, hope you get better soon.
2009/9/4 ApOgEE <jerungkun at gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:58 PM, zarul shahrin <zarulshahrin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Is this for real?
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM, fenris <mohdfenris at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Anyone have detail info about it? Plz share with us!
> Thanks for your concerns...
> Actually, on 31st August, I've been chased by an angry Chinese guy without
> any reason while walking the stairs on my way back home. I though he was
> drunk so I tried to run away fast to avoid any fight with him but somehow I
> accidentally fell on the rough parking tar surface. My neighbors saw the
> incident and saved me from the guy before he can attack me. Due to the fall,
> I got my knee and palm heavily wounded (can't hold the mouse) and got
> sutured 3 times on my chin. I don't know if there is any internal organs
> problem coz I feel like my internal organs are pulling when I sneeze or
> cough. My doctor said, it is maybe because of my muscles bumped heavily on
> the tar surface. I've been absent from work until today. I've logged a
> Police report regarding this matter. Now, I'm still resting at home to heal
> my wounds and muscles. Don't worry, I'm getting better now. ;)
> p/s: I can slowly type this email, means I'm getting better. hehe ;)
> --
> Best Wishes,
> M. Fauzilkamil Zainuddin
> Software Engineer
> Persiasys Sdn. Bhd.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
> ----------------------------------------------------
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~apogee - ApOgEE on LaunchPad
> http://artofapogee.blogspot.com - Art Of ApOgEE
> http://coderstalk.blogspot.com - Coder's Talk
> ----------------------------------------------------
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Umarzuki Mochlis
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