[ubuntu-my] Ubuntu-my Kiosk at MSCOSCONF2009 BTS
jerungkun at gmail.com
Fri May 22 05:32:20 BST 2009
We will be more focus on Ubuntu Operating System and what is the default
software they got. Plus, what more they can do with their Ubuntu. Here's my
suggestion on what we are going to show the visitors.
*1. Easy File Management*
The basic feature of an operating system is file management. We can show
how easy and open to use Nautilus to manage their files.
*Mounting local and network files seemlesly in ubuntu and use them as if
they are in their ubuntu pc. Show them how easy to mount SFTP, FTP, SAMBA
directory from Nautilus.
MSWindows user should admit they couldn't get those powerful symbolic link
[ $ ln -s yourfile ] stuff in their expensive OS.
*2. Network / Internet Connection*
The other thing that people may concern is how they can use ubuntu with
internet. We can show the standard Firefox browser for surfing, watching
streaming video (e.g youtube) and more.
For networking, we should show on how easy to share files with other
computer using samba, and maybe the powerful & quick trick on [ $ python -m
SimpleHTTPServer ] command.
Apart from that, some visitor may expect to see on how to connect ubuntu
to internet using their mobile phone (3g connection) or their 3g Dongle
(huawei, alcatel, yadayada)
Remote desktop connection, vino or vnc from other pc and to other pc would
be an added value. Even more on how we could control the default windowsXP
pc (via RDPv5 protocol) from ubuntu.
Using Pidgin and x-chat is another attraction in network/internet part. we
can even show on how they can connect, chat and hang around with other
ubuntu fans around malaysia using pidgin and x-chat via irc.freenode.net on
#ubuntu-my (instead of just to get help and free support)
Secure SSH tunneling howto would be a plus. we can show them how to secure
and tunnel any internet/network communication they use from ubuntu using
tsocks and ssh. SFTP protocol would also great too!!
*3. Desktop customization and effects*
This part would be the attractive part where we could show them on how
easy to customize their Ubuntu desktop to suit their personality. Changing
wallpaper, sounds, and theme. Plus, how to install and configure compiz, 3d
desktop cube, and those eye catchy and eye candies effects.
*4. Music, Video and Entertainment*
This part, we can show on how easy to listen to mp3, ogg and watching
videos, VCD, DVD, downloaded FLV or even 3gp. Video editing using Kino as
simple as ABC. Sound Editing, ripping ... all those multimedia stuff are
enjoyables in ubuntu and all are LEGALLY FREE!!
*5. Photo editing, graphic and desktop publishing (DTP)*
No one can resist when they know the Inkscape and the GIMP. No free
software yet can beat the easy desktop publishing using Scribus. Not only
for home use but even for commercial and professional usage. I already prove
this by sending some artworks created in these open source software which
already been published on newspaper and magazines.
*6. Programming*
What the heck is the "Source" part in "Open Source" if you can't do
programming in ubuntu? LOL. Just show them how beautiful the code and how
easy to tweak some part of the OS using the code without even need to
recompile (just find some python-gtk stuff part in ubuntu and show em) ...
That's the power of open source... :D
*7. Office and Presentation*
Everybody know the power of OpenOffice.org Word Processor, Spreadsheet,
Presentation, Draw
*8. Electronic & Robotic Design*
PCB design, schematic drawing, 3D design, technical drawing like gEDA,
PCB, gWave, gnucap and more. Those electronics and Radioshack junkies
couldn't be more happier to find all those stuff freely via sudo apt-get
install ...
*9. Architecture & Construction*
In a developing country, there are lots of the people in architecture and
construction industry. Hey, there are lots of freebies for them. Beginning
from QCad, to 3D tools like Blender, K-3D and more. They should be fascinate
with all these tools that they can use without facing any software licences
*10. More More More...*
There are more... games, ERP (welcome Mr. Frans!!), accounting, webserver,
torrentflux, NAS, hacking, yada yada... that makes everyone enjoy using
ubuntu all day long. Feel free to add your own spices and sauces !!
I have proven that teacher, lawyer, doctor, marine engineer, technician, and
even a retired(pension) army are more happy using ubuntu. They are all my
family, friends and clients.
That's all for now (a bit tired to write more.. need to continue working...
Best Wishes,
ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
https://edge.launchpad.net/~apogee - ApOgEE on LaunchPad
http://artofapogee.blogspot.com - Art Of ApOgEE
http://coderstalk.blogspot.com - Coder's Talk
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