[ubuntu-my] CHANGE VENUE: Invitation to Karaoke Session on Saturday

Are Peace executablez at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 26 08:03:32 BST 2009

I'm thinking for jamming session. Anybody willing to collaborate with me to make it happened? 



--- On Thu, 6/25/09, norly <norly.chan at gmail.com> wrote:

From: norly <norly.chan at gmail.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-my] CHANGE VENUE: Invitation to Karaoke Session on Saturday
To: "Malaysian Team Mailing List" <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>, osdcmy-list at googlegroups.com, mrblurry at gmail.com
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 11:32 PM

Attention all,

We have to change venue prior to some issue with Karaoke Session at Alamanda Mall, Putrajaya. New venue and entrance fee will be announce within this 2 day. Hopefully we can confirm new location by today. 

Sorry for the inconvenience cause. Have a lovely day today. 


Norliyana Kamarludin
~ignorance is bliss~

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