[ubuntu-my] help for canon lbp 2900
jerungkun at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 12:08:52 BST 2009
2009/6/18 Muhammad Saufi Abdul Wahab <tupsyco1806 at yahoo.com>
> salam semua...
> can i get some help to setup my canon lbp2900 ??
> dah cuba dah.. ikut
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900and
> http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/ubuntu/229-installation-canon-lbp2900-on-linux
> tapi cam xleh nak print ja...
adeh, takde apa2 error message ke? letih la nak teka error "cam xleh nak
print" tu... at least, cerita sikit camne ko buat, dan kat mana yg tak
ko guna ubuntu versi mana?
nak cari error message tu boleh cuba:
$ dmesg
$ sudo tail /var/log/messages
Best Wishes,
ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
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