[ubuntu-my] What will happened if i were to reinstall back win xp

Yong Chiao Woei yongchiaowoei at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 09:43:55 BST 2009

Greeting all
I have dual boot in my system and i  would like to know whether the boot
loader will be mess up again if i were to reinstall win xp. Any1 PLS?

Thank you & Do have a nice day ahead.

From: Yong Chiao Woei
StarCity Property ( SunwayMas )
Mobile: 012-3966728
Skype : yong_chiao_woei
Gmail  : yongchiaowoei at gmail.com
Yahoo : chiaowoeiyong at yahoo.com.my
MSN   : yongchiaowoei at hotmail.com
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