[ubuntu-my] Talent search is on for cybersecurity students

Nicholas Ng nbliang at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 03:01:18 BST 2009

Guys, in order to keep the integrity of the community, we should be
sticking with the main purpose of the community (although sidetrack
should be okay sometimes) instead of discussing other matters that
related to personal/third party attacks. It is correct that we have
freedom of speech in the community but we also have the Ubuntu CoC to
follow. Anything that related to "attacks", businesses or political
oriented matter must be put aside or avoided.


Nicholas Ng

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:06 AM, zarul shahrin<zarulshahrin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Seriously, I am getting sick of reading this mailing list? Can you guys
> please don't convert every single disccussion that we have to business or
> political motivated one? I don't give a damn about going off topic once in a
> while, but too many times is too much, this is meant to be a technical
> oriented community, but now it seems more like a social-event community..
> --
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