[ubuntu-my] Talent search is on for cybersecurity students

Wan M Fahmi Wan Azmi wanfahmi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 17:23:09 BST 2009

It's not pointing fingers story. It's a nice discussion among adults. Anyway
I don't believe in the pointing fingers saying. Whatever. Move on.

What I'm talking about (Me anyway), is education on security.
How do you expect someone to be security experts, if they don't think
like/act/be a hacker.

How do you expect an army to protect a country, if they are not allowed to
think like the enemy. To know what the enemy is up to. To have the same if
not more weapons as the enemy. To be trained to use the same weapons.
Imagine an army trained only with slide shows on what a gun is, and how to
use it.
"This is a gun. This is how you load the bullets. Here's the safety. Cock
it. Aim. Squeeze the trigger. End of slide show."

"Next, Grenades..."

It War!

Unfortunately, we are preaching at choir. You guys already know this. If we
can break the wall and get the message to the upper echelons , would be
Another unfortunate thing, Malaysian won't act unless shit happens... and
I'm not saying it should ;-)

Best regards.

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