[ubuntu-my] Talent search is on for cybersecurity students

Donald P Kong dpkong at pc.jaring.my
Thu Jul 30 12:44:13 BST 2009

we are not pointing fingers per se. it's that some people need to be
woken up now and not "sooner or later" or worse still, to wait until the
next generation to wake up.

just because we are better than some other countries or at the same
level as many others is not an excuse to be proud. remember we may be
worse than many others.

the mindset change does not only involve security issues but everything
in this country as a whole especially the "tidak apa" and "relax la" as
mentioned by Eric.

On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 14:53 +0800, Rafe Azsnal Ropee Adman wrote:
> Cut a long story short.. hope to be very very short... 
> No point of pointing finger... is had been always been that way with any
> government agencies in and around the world. We're and they are bound by
> protocol and guideline and it take time to change you cannot change the

> Come one guys stop complaining do your part and make a point of doing
> your part sooner or later people will realize that changes is need. When
> that time come doesn't matter our time or our children time IT WILL
> CHANGE for the better. 



Donald P Kong


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