[ubuntu-my] Lets Move Forward !!!

ubuntuseekers at aol.com ubuntuseekers at aol.com
Thu Jul 30 10:25:49 BST 2009

will update all the content starting Tuesday next week..

Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit

-----Original Message-----
From: Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman <fenris at ubuntu.com>
To: mypapit at gmail.com
Cc: mrblurry at gmail.com; staff at ubuntu.com.my; ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Wed, Jul 29, 2009 3:50 pm
Subject: [ubuntu-my] Lets Move Forward !!!

Web team @ Moderator,

- If possible can u guys create topic for Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) at 

Mypapit & teams,

- can we discuss about our email at ubuntu.com.my ? is it we want to park 
@ google or having new interface/new mail server application :)

Buffalosolder & teams,

- any plan for your team? do update it to wiki time to time .. thanks

Norly & teams,

- any plan for your team? do update it to wiki time to time .. thanks

- do take note that we might have another booth at

Venue : SMK Batu Muda, Sentul, KL.

Time : 8:00 am - 2:30 pm.

Date : 2 August 2009.

Venue : UKM , Bangi.

Time : 8:00 am - 5.00 pm.

Date : 15-16 August 2009.

Venue : Kolej Shahputra

Time : TBA by Ubuntuseekers

Date : 17 August 2009

Katiekitty & teams,

- any plan for your team? do update it to wiki time to time .. thanks

- please collaborate with norly for Ubuntu Global Jam (propose a date)

- lets make firefox in Malay for Karmic Koala release (but 1st we need 
to finish the xulrunner translation :) )

Black & teams,

- any plan for your team? do update it to wiki time to time .. thanks

- lets make some $$$$$ \o/


- do monitor all teams update at wiki

Ubuntu-my Members + Include MySelf,

- lets help & support all the team and make the things come true :) 



Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (fenris)

Ubuntu-my LoCo Leader



MyGOSSCON 2009 Call for Papers

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