[ubuntu-my] Talent search is on for cybersecurity students

zarul shahrin zarulshahrin at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 05:25:35 BST 2009

I don't think government should waste money for such thing, there are
already many such events organized by private sectors/non-profit
organization. As example, HITB CTF? How many Malaysians even applied to
join, don't even talk about wining. It's not that I want to flame, but
Malaysians seem to ask for this and that but when people give them something
to compete as they wished, they turn away.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Mohamad Faizul <mypiju at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Talent search is on for cybersecurity students
> The U.S. government on Monday launched a national talent search for high
> school and college students interested in working in cybersecurity.
> With the U.S. Cyber Challenge the goal is to find 10,000 young Americans
> to be "cyber guardians and cyber warriors," according to a statement
> from the Center for Strategic & International Studies
> <http://csis.org/uscc>, which is sponsoring the event.
> "Mostly now we have people (in government) writing policies and reports
> about security rather than people who can do it," said Alan Paller,
> director of research at the SANS Institute. "And we're getting killed."
> Malaysia bila lagi ?
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-10296895-245.html
> --
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