[ubuntu-my] Talent search is on for cybersecurity students

Donald P Kong dpkong at pc.jaring.my
Thu Jul 30 04:45:13 BST 2009

you are considered a risk not because of what you can do but more
because they do not TRUST you will not abuse your power.

the policies are designed around the fact that a large percentage of
employees do not have job loyalty and integrity.

the mindset needs to change before progress in any field is possible.

On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 08:25 +0800, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:

> Bayangkan anggapan pengurusan terhadap saya apabila
> mereka tahu saya boleh "tukar" semua password server apabila
> ada pihak yang terlupa password.

> Dalam banking, saya adalah "risk" kerana knowledge yang saya ada.
> Begitu juga dengan pegawai-pegawai kita... tapi kali ini ada polisi
> mereka perlu patuh..



Donald P Kong


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