[ubuntu-my] Ubuntu-MY Translation & Documentation Team

Katie Kitty admin at flamehaze.info
Fri Aug 7 14:24:51 BST 2009

Ubuntu-MY Translation & Documentation Team had created a launchpad page at

Whoever who interested to join the Translation and Documentation team are
welcome to apply membership in that page.

Mailing list has been applied, however it has been rejected by the launchpad
admin with the reply as below.


I am declining the request for a mailing list in Launchpad as we already
have -my lists on lists.ubuntu.com for this kind of stuff. Thanks!
This message was sent from Launchpad by the user
Jorge O. Castro
using the "Contact this user" link on your profile page.
For more information see

Hope that someone can help to appeal for the mailing list to be approve and
verify the status of Ubuntu-MY Translation & Documentation Team.

Anyway, hope that there will be more people interested in helping on the
translation & documentation work.

Thank you.


My Email: admin at flamehaze.info
(Do not email me at admin at katiekitty.rootshell.la)
Kwebserv Free Web Hosting --> http://kwebserv.info
My Launchpad Profile -->
My Blog --> http://katiekitty.co.tv
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