[ubuntu-my] Hasil Sidang Akhbar MSC OSCONF 2009
Nicholas Ng
nbliang at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 02:15:43 BST 2009
I agree with Frans where we should promote open source to bigger and
higher level, as what I have e-mailed last week.
Do brainstorm on this.
On 4/25/09, starconsultancy <f.van.der.star at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I continue.
> My idea is just simple let us unite together. All the open source people no
> matter how they work how their ideas and how different their perspectives.
> But we have one thing in common.....the philosophy of open source.
> For me open source is shortly: FOR YOU AND....BECAUSE OF YOU.
> Let the community decide in a democratic way what she (yes community is in
> linguistic grammar female) really wants.
> These times are favourate for the Open Source.
> I am very positive.
> I hope you too.
> Regards,
> Frans van de Star
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:12 AM, starconsultancy
> <f.van.der.star at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Rafw Azsnal Ropee Adman,
>> It is not about ties and all that. Protocol is just general accepted codes
>> how to receive v.i.p.'s And I am sure that the ministers including the
>> honorourable Datok (spelling?) Doctor Najib will understand this.
>> For this protocol I would like to share my knowledge and experiences. Also
>> I want to cooperate to make this event successfull. Mr. Adman the open
>> source philosophy is this to my opinion: "Everyone has his or her talents,
>> knowledge and experience, so let us share this. From this perspective I
>> would like this event will be one of which people never forget. So
>> conclusion: We need television......great impact on people......therefore
>> we
>> need v.i.p.'s coming to this event, especially the prime minister, who I
>> respect alot and also I repeat also the former prime minister.
>> My contributions may include to deliver texts to you for writing
>> invitations and do all the organization about how receiving these people
>> but
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Rafe Azsnal Ropee Adman <rafe at mdec.com.my
>> > wrote:
>>> it may be a good idea. but we're looking at this conference to be a lay
>>> back casual conference NO SUITE and TIE.. hihihihi.
>>> if we do get the minister involvement then the others protocol will be
>>> involve. i dont know how the community is looking at this. but feel free
>>> to
>>> comments.
>>> thank you.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: ubuntu-my-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com on behalf of Harisfazillah Jamel
>>> Sent: Sat 4/25/2009 1:18 AM
>>> To: Malaysian Team Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] Hasil Sidang Akhbar MSC OSCONF 2009
>>> Any support will be accepted with open arm. Lets open this option. Im
>>> lack
>>> of experience in Menteri things. Maybe others can give more ideas.
>>> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 12:44 AM, starconsultancy
>>> <f.van.der.star at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Dear Sir,
>>> >
>>> > How would you feel like it whether VIP's will be invited on this event.
>>> I am
>>> > thinking about Prime Minister or Minister for Educaton, Economy and all
>>> > other possibilities in this regard. I made already a part of concept
>>> speech
>>> > for it, as it is not realistic to expect that all people are aware
>>> > about
>>> > "Open Source'-concept. The part of concept of speech contains some
>>> elements
>>> > of a workshop given by Cap Gemini (famous software company).
>>> >
>>> > This would attract the media generally. Especially television as well
>>> > as
>>> the
>>> > commercial as the governmental networks.
>>> >
>>> > It would be excellent that all open source-initiatives will be
>>> > assembled
>>> on
>>> > that event in Time Square. It would be also nice that the launch of the
>>> new
>>> > Ubuntu-edition 9.04 (if community agrees of course) can be celibrated
>>> > without any prejudice towards other non-open-source-companies.
>>> >
>>> > Would like to learn your comment on this with the remark I am willing
>>> > to
>>> > cooperate behind the scenes.
>>> >
>>> > Greetings
>>> > Frans van der Star
>>> >
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