[ubuntu-my] suggestion for ubuntu-info bot owner

ApOgEE jerungkun at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 14:26:14 GMT 2008

Hi Malaysia Team!...

I feel like it's quite a long time not hearing any news/info/discussion thru
this milis...  How are you guys doing?

I just wanna suggest to ubuntu-info bot owner. Can you please to also add
links to those article while posting the title to #ubuntu-my channel on

for example, instead of just:
*<ubuntu-info> Breaking news from Planet Ubuntu Malaysia | Ubuntu-my
gathering place!
<ubuntu-info> (1) Sistem pengurusan Cyber Cafe Linux?*

you may add the link like this:
*<ubuntu-info> Breaking news from Planet Ubuntu Malaysia | Ubuntu-my
gathering place! - http://planet.ubuntu.com.my
<ubuntu-info> (1) Sistem pengurusan Cyber Cafe Linux?* -

I think it is more handy to click straight to the site from the IRC.
Sometimes, the topic is interesting... :D

Another issue is, who's currently maintaining planet.ubuntu.com.my? I wonder
why every post by Zul (melayubuntu) is also named by my nick? I feel like
guilty to take credits on his article. If you have any problem on fixing it,
I'm willing to help.

Best Wishes,

ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
https://edge.launchpad.net/~apogee - ApOgEE on LaunchPad
http://artofapogee.blogspot.com - Art Of ApOgEE
http://coderstalk.blogspot.com - Coder's Talk
http://jerungkun.blogspot.com - The Rojak Blog
http://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com - Reggae and SKA Music Blog
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