[ubuntu-my] Bringing Ubuntu and open source to Malaysians

Pepper Lim pepperlim at 3people.org
Wed Jun 18 09:09:04 BST 2008

I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly. I couldn't find the 
rules for posting at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my 
so forgive me if this posting is inappropriate.

I've been thinking of a plan to bring Ubuntu and open source software to 
Malaysians and Malaysian companies. It comprises of a business plan 
(making money while we have fun kicking Microsoft's butt) and a few 
other ideas.

I would be interested to meet anyone else who would like to brainstorm 
this idea. Please email me at pepperlim at 3people.org or call me at 

Pepper Lim
pepperlim at 3people.org
Pepper's "Lim Family Tree" http://www.3people.org/limfamilytree
BBBS Old Boys' Association website http://www.3people.org/bbbssoba

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