[ubuntu-my] Usage of ubuntu.com.my and ubuntu.org.my
Nicholas Ng
nbliang at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 17:51:32 BST 2008
Good, we start with these 2 goals first. Once they are done, we will
plan for others.
I think the Web Team should be heading up for the first meeting with
the new team members / volunteers to discuss on what we need to do,
etc to our website, wiki, planet, etc.
As for the ubuntu-my.org domain, I have sent e-mail out to Smurf to
point it to our server according to the information given by papit. I
still haven't heard back from Smurf yet on this matter and as I
checked on the ubuntu-my.org domain, it is still not available
("Address Not Found" on Firefox).
With best regards,
Nicholas Ng
Sarawak, Malaysia
Ubuntu Member
Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team (http://ubuntu.com.my/)
Kuching Open Source Community (http://www.kuchingosc.org/)
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 12:34 AM, ApOgEE <jerungkun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Great!! now we have GREEN Light!!... OK Nicholas, now we are back on our
> track.
> On our meet-up 13th July 2008, we have already agreed that our main target
> for Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo team is:
> 1. To be Official LoCo Team.
> 2. To double up our official member from Malaysia (currently 4 which is
> Zarul, BuffaloSoldier, nbliang and e-jat). We are targetting to have at
> least 8 by the end of this year.
> here's the wiki
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam/Activities2008/MeetUp_July (I haven't
> finish with the details yet)
> So, get back to our plan to be Official LoCo Team. And the domain problem
> will be solved.
> As for the ubuntu-my.org domain, we sould also request for that and point to
> the same site as we agreed previously and we should just follow the standard
> of Offical LoCo teams site.
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 1:33 AM, farimi rahman <farimi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most things up -- what is it exactly? Sorry to say, it is a shame if we
>> had too much obstacle from start. :(
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> Best Wishes,
> ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
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