[ubuntu-my] KDE 4 on ubuntu 7.10

Low Lee Leong leonglow at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 09:39:34 GMT 2008

I got three desktop on my ubuntu virtual machine.  Ubuntu gnome, KDE4 and gOS Xfe.
 I will which desktop to logon depend on my mood. heheheh.... Linux is about choice of life.... Long life linux!!!!!!!!!

Tho Man <shuhaimie at gmail.com> wrote: Why not have it both GNOME and KDE to run on ur computer, oooo what a future machine.........

On Jan 30, 2008 9:17 AM, Raymond Yip <raymoyip at gmail.com> wrote:
 Oh Sorry....I mean I "CAN" see that...
lol..sorry for the typo and email spam~ 

On Jan 30, 2008 9:17 AM, Raymond Yip <raymoyip at gmail.com> wrote:
 Yeah I can't see that even from the screenshots they have.
I am planning to switch to KDE from Gnome in one of my PC to give it a try this time :p

On Jan 30, 2008 8:41 AM, Low Lee Leong <leonglow at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Guys,
               Last night I successfully installed KDE 4 to ubuntu 7.10.  It is damn elegent. My own opinion is, it is on par or above MS windows Vista.  The graphic is very clean.  However I am very sleepy and have no time to explore more.  
              Additional information, I use it on VMware virtual machine install on MS XP host.  One thing about Linux graphic is that it can only produce up to 24bit only compare to 32bit.  I notice 32bit is sharper.
              I also has Linux gOS desktop install on the same system.  It is damn pretty also.
 By the way, if you guys would like to find the installing step, just googling on the web.  There are tonnes of howto guide.

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