[ubuntu-my] 1st Meetup & "lepaking"

Eric Seidlitz seidlitz at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 00:25:03 GMT 2008

The last time I was at the MidValley Starbucks, they still had no wifi 
available. Is that still true, and is it important or significant for 
us? I don't know if people are hoping to just lepak and drink coffee, or 
if they'll want internet connectivity for any reason as well.

Will everyone/anyone be bringing laptops?


ubuntu-my-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:38:03 +0800
From: mypapit <mypapit at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-my] 1st Meetup & "lepaking"
To: "Malaysian Team Mailing List" <ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com>
	<8d54a04f0801240938v4a5ad05y547a230de4a57860 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi guys,

I just got the word from our meetup organizer, fenris. He said the meetup
will be held at Starbuck Midvalley, because its almost central, and it makes
easier for people to get there.

Official word about meetup details will follow soon from Khairul (fenris).

That's all guys

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