[ubuntu-my] Software Freedom Day 2007 Celebration in IIUM PJ Campus

michaelpo at myjaring.net michaelpo at myjaring.net
Mon Sep 17 05:40:42 BST 2007

Haznizul, Nicholas,

Please advise how out-of-town visitors can get there?

Bus no?
LRT station? KTM station?
Map to walk to the room at your uni?



Quoting Nicholas Ng <nbliang at gmail.com>:

 We (Kuching Open Source Community) also celebrated the event, but was
 brought forward to 12th Sept 2007 (Wed) and celebrated in
 collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).

 Here is our event page at SFD's wiki:


 Nicholas Ng
 Kuching Open Source Community
 Sarawak, Malaysia

 E-mail:  info at kuchingosc.org
 Website: www.kuchingosc.org
 Forum:   forum.kuchingosc.org

 On 9/13/07, Haznizul bin Ahamad Shukery <haznizul at iiu.edu.my> wrote:
 > Assalamu'alaikum...
 > Hai everybody!
 > I would like to announce that ICT Society and Computer Club at the
 > of Foundation Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia (PJ
 > Campus) are planning to celebrate the Software Freedom Day 2007. It
 > be on 15th of September 2007. However, we are unable to organize it at
 > that time. Therefore, we postpone it to 20, 21 and 22 September 2007.
 > The details of the program are as follows:
 > Day 1 & 2: 20 - 21 September 2007
 > OSS Exhibition and Promotion
 > Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
 > Venue: ICT Department Computer Lab A
 > Description: We will provide several stall for OSS exhibition. So far,
 > are planning to exhibit Ubuntu and software in the package. We also
 > welcome any individual or organization that want to participate in the
 > exhibition and distribute any OSS. Stall payment: Free of charge.
 > Day 3: 22 September 2007
 > Talk on Open Source
 > Tentative Topic: "How to make money from Open Source Software?"
 > Time: 9:30 AM
 > Venue: Lecture Hall A
 > Description: The objective of the talk is to increase people's
 interest in
 > using OSS. The angle that we want to choose is in term of making
 > Google, YouTube etc can make billions of money by using OSS.
 > we would like to invite Khairil Yusof, FOSS to deliver the talk. But,
 > any of you have better topic and willing to share your knowledge,
 > tell me.
 > OSS Installation Fiesta
 > Time: 2 PM
 > Venue: Science Building Hall
 > Description: Anybody who are interested to install and try OSS, we
 > assist them in installing the software. IIUM Staff are encouraged by
 > top management to migrate from Windows to Linux.
 > Please inform me how you or your organization can help us in make this
 > program a success. So far, we need assistant in term of the speaker,
 > volunteers to promote OSS at the exhibition counters and facilitators
 > assist OSS installation.
 > Thank you very much for your cooperation.
 > Yours sincerely,
 > Haznizul A. Shukery
 > Advisor
 > SFD 2007 Celebration, IIUM
 > Lecturer,
 > ICT Department,
 > Centre for Foundation Studies,
 > International Islamic University Malaysia.
 > Hp: 019-3341136
 > Office: 03-7780 3555

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