[ubuntu-my] Balasan: Re: Now in KL

Muhammad Radzi Ismail amirulraz at yahoo.com.my
Tue Apr 10 02:39:23 BST 2007

Ezwan Aizat Bin Abdullah Faiz <aizat.faiz at gmail.com> wrote: On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 08:43 +0800, Nicholas Ng wrote:
> Guys,
> Just for your information, I got a sponsored web hosting for the
> Malaysian Ubuntu Team. 
> If there is already someone who volunteered, then
> I will inform the sponsor cancel off the sponsorship.
Khairil already is waiting to host the Plone instance for the site :)

> For the hosting of packages, the sponsor do have plan to let us host all
> the files for download (mirror, maybe?) on their servers. But need to
> let me know earlier so that I can talk with them.

If someone else can handle the package hosting that would be great,
because that would be more difficult :).


i hope i have chance to help...it has been a while i'm using ubuntu and NEVER contribute anything

MuHaMmaD RaDzI IsMaiL

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