[ubuntu-mx] Fwd: Automated Testing Hackfest, 13 Dec 2012
Javier P.L.
fco.plj en gmail.com
Mar Dic 11 15:19:07 UTC 2012
Esta buena la idea, hay que organizarnos para participar, también esta
el llamado a testing de LibreOffice y no caería nada mal participar en
un hack maraton para autopilot..
Por lo pronto me apunto, nos vemos el 13 en #ubuntu-mx o en
#ubuntu-quality , gracias por la noticia Jorge
Wowow, introducciones en español!:
Buen día =)!
On 12/10/2012 10:57 AM, Jorge Luján wrote:
> Buen día, les reenvío este correo donde se invita a toda la comunidad a
> participar en el Automated Testing Hackfest de Ubuntu este 13 de diciembre.
> Les gusta la idea?
> *ITC. Jorge Luján*
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Daniel Holbach* <daniel.holbach en ubuntu.com
> <mailto:daniel.holbach en ubuntu.com>>
> Date: 2012/12/10
> Subject: Automated Testing Hackfest, 13 Dec 2012
> To: ubuntu-devel-announce en lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-devel-announce en lists.ubuntu.com>
> Hello everybody,
> A great way to contribute to Ubuntu is to ensure its functionality
> always works. What’s even better is that our infrastructure allows us to
> write tests once and continuously test if the tests still all pass, so
> whenever a package is updated or changed, we run the tests and can see
> if the functionality we rely on is still there and working perfectly.
> This puts us into a situation where we all can contribute tests once and
> can basically monitor forever if the code still works. Personally I
> believe this to be one of the most efficient contributions you can make
> to Ubuntu (and to Open Source in general).
> We want more people to use Open Source software and we all want more
> quality. We don’t want regressions, we don’t want subtle bugs which
> nobody ever got around to test. We don’t want anyone (least of all less
> technical people) to be surprised by bugs.
> I hope you are excited about these possibilities as much as I am. If you
> are, I’d like to invite you to our Automated Testing Hackfest on
> Thursday, 13th December 2012. Many experts around Automated Testing are
> going to be hanging out in #ubuntu-quality, there are going to be demos,
> a lot of talk about automated testing infrastructure and tools and of
> course a lot of live-hacking!
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/Hackfest
> Be sure to join us in #ubuntu-quality on irc.freenode.net
> <http://irc.freenode.net> and check out
> the Automated Testing Hackfest page for some more info!
> Have a great day,
> Daniel
> --
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