[ubuntu-mx] Fwd: Team Reports!
José Luis Chiquete Valdivieso
josech en chiquete.com.mx
Mar Sep 30 18:18:45 BST 2008
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Pues todo el mes se han dedicado a arreglar el sitio de internet de
ubuntu-mx. ¿No?
Hay que echarle ganitas o no vamos a pasar de Perico Perro para no variar.
Conste que preguntaron.
Federico Torres escribió:
> Holas!
> Acabo de leer esto en mi correo... alguien se acuerda de que es lo que
se ha hecho con fechas? Jajaja
> Saludos!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Daniel Holbach* <daniel.holbach en ubuntu.com
<mailto:daniel.holbach en ubuntu.com>>
> Date: 2008/9/30
> Subject: Team Reports!
> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
<loco-contacts en lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:loco-contacts en lists.ubuntu.com>>
> Hello everybody,
> I'd like to ping you all an ask for input on September's Team Report. Up
> until now only 3 Loco teams sent in notes about their activity.
> Please add yours: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/September2008
> If you're completely new to the concept of team reports, please read
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting - it's not a lot
> of work and works best if you announce it to all your team, so they know
> where to put notes for the current month.
> Have a nice day,
> Daniel
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