[ubuntu-mx] Vulnerabilidad crítica de SSL en Ubuntu. Regeneren sus llaves.

Leonel Nunez leonel en enelserver.com
Vie Mayo 16 21:52:57 BST 2008

José Luis Chiquete Valdivieso wrote:
> Me llegó esta alerta de la lista de partners de Ubuntu:
> Dear Jose Luis, 
> We have issued an Ubuntu Security Notice to inform all of our users that we have identified a serious security issue in Ubuntu / Debian. All users who have generated ssh keys on previous versions of libssl0.9.8 are affected, and we would recommend that you rebuild any ssh keys that you have to be absolutely certain.
> The problem can be corrected by upgrading your system to the
> following package versions :-
> Ubuntu 7.04:   libssl0.9.8       0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.3
> Ubuntu 7.10:   libssl0.9.8         0.9.8e-5ubuntu3.2
> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS:   libssl0.9.8        0.9.8g-4ubuntu3.1
> If you have any questions about how this might affect your own Ubuntu
> systems or if you need help with your customers who have support contracts, please contact us at partners en canonical.com
> You can read more about the issue at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1.
> I hope that this does not cause too much inconvenience.
> Thanks,

Y no solo es regenerar llaves  despues de la actualizacion
 es tambien regenerar los certificados  de ssl para el apache  postfix 
dovecot y demas


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