Ubuntu Mozilla Team Meeting

John Vivirito gnomefreak at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 21:10:35 GMT 2010

Micahg and myself agreed that we should hold a Mozilla Team
meeting. One reason would be to get everyone on the "same page"
A lot of things have changed since last meeting we held. Lets
get together on a date and time to hold it assuming asac and
fta agree we should hold one.
If it is agreed upon we should update
Anyone that wants a membership and has not be appoved would be
a good time to add your name to the membership heading.
If we all cant get together on IRC lets use this mailing list
to get time and date of meeting.

  Thank you for your time.

Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito

Linux User# 414246

"How can i get lost, if i have no where to go"
    -- Metallica from Unforgiven III

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