Bug#505352: Plans for icedove in Debian unstable?

Alexander Sack asac at debian.org
Thu Feb 25 23:25:11 GMT 2010

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 04:08:29AM -0800, Matt Kraai wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to fix release critical bugs in Debian unstable.  Debian
> bug 505352, which reports that icedove fails to build, isn't fixed in
> Debian unstable but is fixed in Debian experimental, the latter of
> which contains icedove 3.
> What are the plans for uploading icedove 3 to unstable?

icedove 3 needs to be the default for squeeze and there is active work on moving
the experimental bits to unstable. It just takes some time as there are a few issues
that need to be resolved first. One main blocker is the lack of -dev headers and a way
to also build extensions like enigmail that we would hate to not ship anymore.

 - Alexander

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