Building binary debug package from Firefox 3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 source package

Jonathan Busby jonathanbusby at
Fri Jul 10 02:44:52 BST 2009

Anyone? :/


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Jonathan Busby<jonathanbusby at> wrote:
> Since I haven't gotten a response to this question in any
> of the forums or lists I've posted it, I'm posting it once
> again.
> I am trying to diagnose what is causing this problem :
> in the current Firefox 3.0.11 release. Specifically, I
> want to know why Firefox dies with "Couldn't load XRE
> functions."
> To diagnose the above, I need to be able to build an
> installable binary package that is not stripped or optimized
> and that has the "--enable-debug" configure option
> turned on.
> Now, according to Debian policy, and the changelog
> for the Ubuntu Firefox source package, I should be
> able to accomplish this by issuing a
> 'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="noopt nostrip debug" fakeroot debian/rules binary'
> command.
> The problem is that if you look inside the rules script,
> you'll find that only the "noopt" flag is being honored :
> '
> ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
>        EXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-optimize
> endif
> '
> far as I can tell, is only used as a temporary which is
> prepended to 'DEB_CONFIGURE_USER_FLAGS' .
> Furthermore, I am certainly no expert with regard to the
> Mozilla build system, but doing a 'grep -R' in the top
> directory of the source package for the above
> variable with the 'build-tree' directory extracted
> ( either from a previous build or from issuing :
> 'make -f /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/ pre-build' )
> turns up no instances of the variable save for the one
> in rules -- That is, it appears it is defined but never used.
> This was not always the case if one checks the changelog,
> but what it apparent is that the current source package is
> broken.
> So, my question comes down to this :
> Given the above problems with the source package, is
> there any way of creating a debug build via some
> workaround?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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