[HELP] : dpkg-buildpackage: fallo: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2

Saša Bodiroža jazzva at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 15:46:03 GMT 2009

Hello Kiki,

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Kiki Ahmadi <kiki.ahmadi at gmail.com> wrote:
> i think its related with GPGkeys which i dont have any... but the deb
> packages purezilla_0.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb was made in my home directory..

This problem can be ignored for now (but it must be resolved later, if
you plan on submitting your package for Ubuntu).

> i tried to install it with GDebi and the the instalation failed because the
> same version is already installed. When i checked my firefox addons manager
> , my extension wasnt installed there..

Try to remove your package, and then to reinstall it. If the extension
is not present, the problem might be caused by few issues.

First, the ID in debian/rules (MOZ_XPI_EMID) and in install.rdf (in
<em:id>) might not be the same, please post the contents of these two
files to <http://paste.ubuntu.com>, and give us the links here.

Second, the extension structure might not be correctly specified in
chrome.manifest file. Please paste the contents of that file on
paste.ubuntu.com, and give us the link. Also, cd to the source package
directory, run "ls -R > listing", and paste the contents of the new
listing file too. You can remove it after that. Thanks.

Best regards,
Saša Bodiroža

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