starting 20090808 3.5 updates try to replace firefox pkg and mess up firefox 3.0 install

Randall J. Parr RParr at TemporalArts.COM
Sat Aug 8 22:13:49 BST 2009

starting with 3.5.3~hg20090808r26202

the updates from the PPA try to update package firefox from

3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 to 

which fails because 3.5 is trying to install a package in 3.0

the only cure I've found is to remove firefox 3.5 and reinstall the 
things like firefox and sun-java-plugin that removal took with it.

If it was the intent to replace firefox 3.0 going forward with 3.5 it 

If we are still (as hoped) able to install firefox 3.5 along side the 
"standard" firefox 3.0 there is a problem.

If I am doing something wrong or need to change my sources or some such, 
please enlighten me.

Temporal Arts

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