Hardy Alpha 4 Firefox 3 doesn't sort bookmarks

jerrylamos at aim.com jerrylamos at aim.com
Wed Feb 20 02:35:57 GMT 2008

 Installed swiftfox as suggested in your note below.  The version I got appears to be Firefox 3:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b4pre) Gecko/2008021715 Firefox/3.0b4pre (Swiftfox)
Sorting bookmarks on Swiftfox Firefox 3 does work.  It's the Ubuntu Firefox 3 that doesn't work.  The display does lose several characters because of a large indent - why have an indent at all?


 Thanks, Jerry

-----Original Message-----
From: (``-_-´´) -- Fernando <ubuntu at bugabundo.net>
To: jerrylamos at aim.com
Cc: ubuntu-mozillateam at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 4:05 am
Subject: Re: Hardy Alpha 4 Firefox 3 doesn't sort bookmarks

On Saturday 16 February 2008 21:56:50 jerrylamos at aim.com wrote:
> Yesterday's update to Hardy Alpha 4 installed Firefox 3.? It's not ready for 
this user.? There doesn't seem to be any way to sort benchmarks on a list at the 
left of the screen.? On Firefox 2, I have pages and pages of benchmarks all 
sorted alphabetically and easy to find and remember.? There's a Firefox 3 search 
function but the list it produces isn't sorted alphabetically either.? Bookmarks 
on Firefox 3 are like cutting out all the words in a dictionary and throwing 
them in? a mixed pile on the floor.? Good luck.

While using Update-Manager, it asked me, if I wanted to change to FF3

> I tried downloading Firefox 2 from their website as a tar.gz however it was 
beyond me how to get it running.? I tried copying over a Firefox 2 from another 
partition but that had library problems, and I don't have the expertise for 
> So I'm dropping back to an earlier level of Hardy Alpha that still has Firefox 
2, and do no updates at all.? If and when, or if ever, Firefox 2 shows up on 
Synaptic I'll try Hardy Alpha 4 and Firefox 3 again.

I've been using swiftfox repositories! they still have FF2 trunk.
Give them a try: http://getswiftfox.com/

> So long, Jerry

BUGabundo  :o)
(``-_-´´)   http://Ubuntu.BUGabundo.net
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ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll 
try to be more assertive as time goes by...


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