bug report Java6 in Ubuntu 8.10

Tõnu Soovere tonu_soovere at esuite.ca
Mon Dec 15 19:07:55 GMT 2008

Was researching old newspapers: http://dea.nlib.ee/
when suddenly the picture of newspaper page failed to appear .

Went to Synaptic and reinstalled "The Java(TM) Plug-in Java SE 6" which 
did not work.

Then uninstalled "The Java(TM) Plug-in Java SE 6", and then re-installed 
it, also installed the "GCJ Web Browser Plugin.

Still, the mentioned webpage is not responding.

Have "/" and "/home" partitions and thinking of formating "/" and then 
make a new install of Ubuntu 8.10.

Tonu Soovere
Toronto, ON

NB: Attachment of screenshot of Plugin Finder Service after installing 
the first two.

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