Some small problems with testing repo

Herbert Sasshofer herbert.sasshofer at
Tue May 1 13:15:58 BST 2007


I added your testing repo to my Feisty install mostly to get Thunderbird 2.0, but as a side-effect also got Firefox

Some small problems I face(d):
* The link from /usr/share/pixmaps/thunderbird.png gets dangling (no mozicon128.png in /usr/share/thunderbird/icons, I
did change that....)
* The search plugins fom Firefox are gone (symlink in /usr/lib/firefox is called search<j>plugins for some reason, works
when changed back to searchplugins)
* The Firefox's icon in the taskbar and desktop preview are gone (no idea)

These are the smallest problems since upgrading my Samsung X60 to Feisty (standy/hibernate only works once, and sound is
via headphones only, no TV programs in kaffeine). Pity, I should have stayed with Edgy, well, progress has its price...

Anyway, thanks for the software ;-)

|          Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Sasshofer          |
| HTL Wien 3 Rennweg             TGA der AK Wien |
|    |
|                                                |
| Underreingasse 29    A-1140 Wien    ÖSTERREICH |
| +43 699 1143 7812               ICQ: 324309514 |

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